For the 4th of July, my family hit up Provo to catch the parade and Stadium of Fire :) It was a blast! Here are a few pics.
This is the fam at the Parade on morning of July 4.

Here's the Stadium of Fire before it started

YAY for Jonas Brothers :) haha. SheDaisy also performed.

The AMAZING fireworks display

STORY OF THE YEAR: when me, taryn, mady, ari & elli mulcock first arrived, there were a lot of girls crowded around a door, and so we asked them what was going on. They told us that JB was inside and they had to come out. We decided to go and buy shirts cuz the chances of us seeing them w/out being mobbed was pretty much impossible. While in line, all of a sudden all the girls start naturally, we ran over to the commotion. Here walk out Big Rob (JB's body guard) and Papa Jonas. Little did we know that about 10 ft. behind us, JB was sneaking behind. Big Rob distracted the girls! Ofcourse my dad got a PERFECT view of JB...and all I saw was their voluptuous hair :) which...was even better in real life :D haha. But i got this awesome pic of Big Rob! haha.

JB definitely gets a 'THUMBS UP'

who said parents can't enjoy the JoBros? my dad was especially excited to see Big Rob perform 'Burnin Up'

oh ya!

This one's for the ladies... haha

It was a lot of fun! we couldn't get over the fact that my dad got a perfect view of the jobros as they were close enuf to stick thier # in my back pocket. ;) Dang Flabbit!