We were supposed to go on our family vacation on Sunday night (then my dad got called as Stake President)...so we moved it to Wednesday (then Ari broke her arm tues. night and had surgery wed)...but we finally got off on Thursday!
We drove down to La Jolla on Thursday.
Mady & me walking to La Jolla beach

On Friday we went to SeaWorld and Coronado Island.
This is Ari at SeaWorld...lookin like she's having tons of fun!

These eels were creepy! pretty nasty looking and they would just float around. gross

We got to feed and pet dolphins :) Loved it.

We also saw a Shamu show, a dolphin show, seal/otter show, pet show, cirque de la mar show...lots of shows.
Hotel Del Coronado was awesome. We got there at sunset, so it was really pretty.

Saturday we drove to the San Diego temple and then to downtown San Diego where we hit up the USS Midway (aircraft carrier that my dad had to see) and a mall and drove through Balboa Park, then headed home.
San Diego Temple

On USS Midway

It was a short vacation, but a fun one!