1. I met them when they got out of thier taxi and got onto their tour bus :) I got a pic with Michael! (the lead singer)

2. Being front row, I touched them! (yes...just like the obsessed fans :D) and eye contact...proof: around :10 with Jason:) and Michael winks at the camera at :20ish haha
3. Thier opening act Esmee Denters had a very cute albino (atleast we think he was hahaha) guitarist.

4. Made some awesome new friends!

5.Met Esmee! (she was discoverd by Justin Timberlake on youtube!)
2 of my roomies: Cyndie and Jesika

6.Got to do Meet/Greet! (Did I mention I <3 alex! lol)

We had a blast :)

Outside thier tour bus with all my roomies