"When are you updating your blog?!"- my mom
So here you go momma! EVERYTHING i've been up to:
It's been sunny or raining ALL week! holla! which means the snow is melting away! see here: :)

Latest floral arrangments: (Lexie, this is for you...)

Who would've known we have a tropical green house on campus, equipped with a big bridge, waterfall and all sorts of weird plants:

I saw Alice In Wonderland last night! I thought it was really good, what did everyone else think?
Last semester I would post a lot of my projects I was working on..this semester I have had a lot of different classes with different projects. Right now I am designing a living room along the coast of California, from scratch, drawing it, scanning it, photoshopping it. I am not even close to completion (keep this in mind! haha) But I need wall colors chosen by next Wednesday and right now I am leaning on this color, what do you think?!