20 kind of seems like a big milestone. People actually do things with their lives in their 20's. I mean, my mom was listing off everything she did in her 20's: Got married, graduated college, had me, moved to NV, moved again, had my sister, built a house...the list goes on...and here I am at the beginnging. So i've come to the decision that the choices I make now will definitely make a difference in how i live my life...forever! So, just a few things I hope to succeed in my 20's: Keep going to school, go on a mission, get married, graduate (those 2 in either order haha) and from there i am undecided. Gotta leave some room for spontaneity, right? Because:
"If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything." -Win Borden
I like that...maybe it's because it gives me an excuse to procrastinate ;) So, here's to the next 10 years, planned out...with some surprises.
Now a few pictures from celebrating yesterday. Me and the fam headed to Vegas and hit up the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace, Fashion Show Mall, Outlet Mall, and MGM.
{i'm still taking applications for those who would like to attend Michael Buble's concert with me on August 28}

{oh Tiffany & Co. Someday our paths will cross}
I especially enjoyed all the facebook messages and texts form all of you. Thanks!