Well, being home for Thanksgiving was a lot of fun! It was great to see family and friends. Thanksgiving was yummy and I love to watch Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! Friday I of course went shopping :) On Saturday, me and Benny went to a Jonas Brothers concert! It was pretty much fantastic :) I know...Jonas Brothers are so little girlish but I had such a blast! Honor Society and Demi Lovato also performed... So of course I recorded and took tons of pictures!
Me and Betty at the concert


This is one of the many videos haha
The Jonas Brothers concert was definitely the highlight of my thanksgiving break. I took Heather and her friends... we went to the 3:00 show.
Hope you had a great thanksgiving and a safe flight back to the cold country!!
Yay Jonas Brothers!
Man I can't believe how famous these guys are at such a young age as well. Millionairs...no fare. I wonder how expensive those seats were right up at the front? Hundreds I am sure. Looks like you had fun.
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