Who knew that flower arrangements had so many shapes...
here's a triangle one I did in class last week:
here's a triangle one I did in class last week:

i think it resembles the arrangements you pick up in the hospital gift shops. haha
And the corsage I created today:

I'm liking this class!
Austrie, I love your blog...but ugghh....these flower arrangement posts are killing me! haha J/K I matter of factly told Shar not to get me flowers for V-day....I think he likes flowers more than me. haha Like, get me some Suns tickets or something you know...
Austrie, I LOVE your flower posts! I am totally into flowers. Lexie must have gotten that from outer space, definitely not Kevin or I. Your arrangements are great! What a fun class. I swear, they didn't have fun classes like that when I was in school...
I just like to tease her.
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