It's finally the weekend. (Praise Allah). Classes are pretty much insane this semester. A test once a week in my Materials/Sources class...I was soooo happy with the outcome of this weeks though. I was expecting D-F range. Holla for a B! I should probably go ask the testing center for a recording of the video camera by the screen that tells everyone's test scores. I'm guessing my facial expression was priceless. It was intense, i'm just letting ya know. Do I care what the DOC FF-1-70 or the Steiner Tunnel Test are for? Not anymore.
My roommates and I have discovered G's Dairy. Homemade ice cream heaven. We've only been there twice in a week. It could be a lot worse. (i suggest Gorilla Munch: banana ice cream with oreos and peanut butter)
I'm in the middle of designing an Arts & Craft style home office...expect pictures soon. I'm pretty excited about it. I was also excited to see some of my color theory projects still hanging on the walls of the Interior Design department! they must have been desperate.... :)
Have you ever played the game "Curses"? Ohmygosh. Play with a group of fun people if you feel like laughing until you pee your pants.
As far as pictures go, Mom, I haven't taken any...i'll try to...i promise.
It's cooling off here in Idaho...making me miss Summer (baseball game) weather.

{In the middle of the wave at Dodgers Stadium, Aug. 2010}
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