Today while walking to class, I saw geese flying South and all I really wanted to do was yell
9 days until i'm home! but there's sooooo much to get done in the mean time. so help me get through the rest of this week. Oh boy do i have a story for you.
So last night I was very much enjoying my Just Dance battle on wii with some design friends. We slowly get our stuff together getting ready to leave (before curfew of course...) and then i find out my car is getting towed. I pretty much pooped my pants. Long story short, the mean man says I can give him $100 now or come get it from whatever you call the car jail place. Then he asks for my keys so he can turn my steering wheel. I said if i get $50 off. He didn't laugh. So not only am i watching them tow Clifford away (my car has a name) I am helping him tow Clifford away! forgive me buddy...
I must admit something to you all. When i'm mad and mean guys are asking me what my name is (to write on the bill of course) i like to say "Austriana Messer" and then look away like they're stupid when they don't know how to spell it. It makes me feel mean, and i like that. But guess what? When he asked me how to spell it, this is what i said..."A-u-s-t-r-a-n-a, woops, i mean i-a-n-a." and then!!!!! the mean poop face had the funnyness to say, "I forget how to spell my name sometimes too." and now he knows what death looks like because i gave him the look that I wanted to punch his kidneys out of his back.
For the record, Clifford is home & safe. And I now need to carry a bucket around that says 'money for the poor'.
But in the realm of things, I suppose my problems aren't so bad...

What a fag. If you would have refused to give the keys, would you have gotten arrested or something. Cause I probably would have asked him that ha ha I'm such a smart alec too.
I would have punched his kidneys out for you...
I can tell you need a hug from your DaDa. You get that defiant, instant, intense rage from your father....You would rather fight than run! Luv you. DaDa
HAHAHA! I laughed my face off reading this post. You're funny. But that totally sucks and I for sure would have been mean right back to him. And refused to give him my keys, hehe. But on the bright side, we can be poor together. :)
Hahah! :) This made me laugh so hard! Funny stuff...I do feel bad though, I would be mad!
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