Boxing's a let down. haha It's basically just a holiday where no one has to work. So we visited some families that were home. There were actually a couple people that we visited that asked US what boxing day was. uhhh ok. But someone told us it's like black friday in the US. good sales on electronics and what not. But that stinks cuz it's after Christmas.
Sounds like everyone had a good Christmas. You're wasn't the same! It just isn't when you're not with family.
I can't believe Lyndsay F. is going to MOSCOW. Holyyyyy! i can't believe that! Russia. wow! Little lyndsay speaking Russian. crazy, crazy!
Thanks for everyones bday dates! Taylors card is in the mail :) I never realized that the fam covers every month except Dec. that's cool! I also got 8 letters in the mail on tuesday! HOLLA! it was late tuesday so i didn't have time to write everyone back...and some of the letters were sent early december. i'm not neglecting any of you! I'm just being obedient! haha Gma, this is a special message for you too---i will write you on monday! pinkie swear.
Mom, people are pretty candid about what they call people--like african american. it's usally just "brown" or "black" or "white" and no one is offended so that's different. There are so many people from all over that a lot of the time they'll say "jamaican" or "white jamaican" like the lady yesterday telling us about her husband. so there ya go!
Yesterday we got our first real snow. It's probably the coldest it's been as well. It was -7*c but felt -15*c with windchill. If ya do the math, that's not super harsh...its like 20F or so i think...i dunno, google it. haha
Let me answer your Qs...
Did you do any Christmas baking? NOpe. we were gonna make popcorn balls but we're poor. soooo. didn't happen
Did you do any Christmas baking? NOpe. we were gonna make popcorn balls but we're poor. soooo. didn't happen
What are you doing for New Year’s? We're in by 6pm that going to bed early! yay! I'm not sure if it's still fast sunday that sunday or not.
Alright...There's a few cool things i wrote down to tell ya'll. Like...the freeway we drive on practically every day is called QEW (Queen Elizabeth Way) I'm still waiting to find Prince Harry Way. Also to get the library i'm emailing from now, we take Duke of York Blvd. Oh canada, keeping it classy!
Last Pday when we were emailing, it was rainy and super foggy. We were walking along in downtown Mississauga (which we refer to as Missi'swagger'. so much cooler) and the tall apt buildings were covered in fog. it was pretty cool. when it's foggy and cloudy, it's not as cold. sweet! But you could really smell lake ontario that day--it smells nasty nast!
Congratulations to sis W and i! we're officially old, we got a fruit basket for christmas! Bro Marjanovich in our ward is super cool. He speaks Macedonian, so he has a greek accent and he said, "sisters! i have something for you!" (in a greek-like accent) and it was this massive fruit basket. See attached picture! haha
Another funny story- we were visiting this family and there's an old lady with alzheimers that live with them and she was so funny. Someone said "book of mormon" and she's like, "what?! the mooger norman?" hahaha and then she looked at my hand and said, "your nails are so tiny, they're beautiful!" she's awesome.
Well, it's a pretty random letter this week...all over the place. But We did get an email today that says some GA's are coming to visit soon! to check out the mission. So...pres monson? sure! :)
Talk to ya soon!
sister messer