I went to my first (yes, i realize that makes me lame) midnight showing of a movie! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part 2. I fell asleep watching Part 1 at home and I never read the books so i'm pretty lost on a little bit mostly everything. It's pretty bad. But I had Taryn catch me up on the important facts and we were good to go. I enjoyed it! I'm glad to know things "work out" in the end, if you catch my drift.

Me, Taryn and Mady made t-shirts for the occasion. Mady may or may not have ditched us after she got a date offer, but that's ok...our group of friends were pretty fun too. My shirt? "Ron Weasley is My Homeboy". I only have one regret about writing that:
After I saw this picture-
I wanted something about Neville Longbottom written all over me instead. Oh well, power to the gingers.
What's your favorite HP movie yet? I really liked Oliver Wood/quidditch games in whatever number that was in & also the games against different schools, that was pretty sweet too.
What's your favorite HP movie yet? I really liked Oliver Wood/quidditch games in whatever number that was in & also the games against different schools, that was pretty sweet too.
Haha you're welcome for pinning that picture of Sir Neville on pintrist :) I LOVE HARRY POTTER. Seriously, I cried. (does that surprise you?) AHH IT WAS AMAZING.
SO EXCITED. Power to the gingers ha ha Love it! You need to read the books and stop trying to fake your way! READ!!!
Becca....you cried?! haha and you are to blame for my love of Sir Neville. lol
Lexie, you're right...i'm gonna have to try to read them this summer! i just feel so behind on everything! lol
seriously, it's a tribute to that guy that he can be so ugly as Neville, and so dapper in real life. :)
I thought this last movie was quite enjoyable :) I like movie 3 a lot too. And you can't leave out the first movie. Also, as I was babysitting today the kids were watching Nickelodean or whatever and the guy who plays Draco came on not in character...may I just say he is surprisingly very good looking.
Wow, cause he's pretty ugly in the movies, very pale and skeleton looking, especially the 6th. Neville I thought started to look okay towards the last movies, I just love his character in the last couple books. BOOKS people, read the BOOKS...you don't know what you are missing, because it's not in the movies trust me. They are good though (if you've read the books :) ha ha)
haha tibi! mady said the same thing to me yesterday! i'm definitely going to have to see it to believe it!
Oh yes! Didn't you see the preview to that Gorilla movie? He was in that haha
I'm watching that thing that Draco is hosting right now!I must say.. not too shabby. Not too shabby at all Draco.
wow...Neville cleans up nice eh? I suppose a little palm-aide and a fresh Armani suit could do that to anyone.
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