
week has been like a week full of Christmases! We had interviews with President
Scott with the Kitchener zone, was trained a bit by our zone leaders. Then we
went to the temple! We had to get up at 3:20am. haha We rode down with the zone
leaders and another elder (gotta make sure #s are always right! haha) and that
was sooo awesome. The only missionaries that get to attend the temple are those
within an hour radius. So we're very lucky! Kitchener is just about at the
border of an hour so i'm super happy we were able to go. It was a lot of fun
and we were back in our area just in time to volunteer at the food bank. Lots
of students also volunteer at the food bank, so over the past few weeks we've
been getting to know them a lot better and witnessed the Lord's hand in our
lives a lot! Andy is one of them that volunteer there all the time. He showed
us the ropes the first time we went there and every week we get to talk to him
a little more. The cool thing about YSA is they're open to talk about basically
anything. So we've been able to ask him a lot about his religious beliefs and
what not. He has an aunt that lives in B.C. who's a member of the church! He
came out to our church a while back after some other sisters invited him but
didn't think too much of it. We're hoping that we get to talk to him a lot
more! Right before leaving we prayed that we'd have the opportunity to talk to
him a lot about the gospel and right when we got there he was with us the
entire time. So guess what, prayers are answered. booyah. Another girls name is
Sandy. As soon as we walked in she was like, "are you missionaries?"
Well apparently her parents are both members, went inactive all while raising
their kids but because of his home teachers, they've recently started to come
back to church. Sadly none of their kids are interested at the time being but
hopefully as we start to love her up a little bit we'll be able to help her
understand the importance of it.
Our gators this week are doing very well! Garrett and Justin both came out to
General conference on Sunday morning. Afterwards I said, "Well Justin, I
know you have questions, what are they?" and he said, "Well I did
have questions, but they were all answered in that meeting." haha We had
promised him that if he came with questions in mind, they'd be answered. When
we taught him this past week we asked him how he feels preparation for baptism
is coming along and he just said, "i'm ready." So we have a lot more
to teach him but are meeting him on Wednesday- hopefully all continues to go
well! It was pretty funny, we had two RM's teaching us with him and we were
asking him why he has such a desire to be baptized and he said, "because
i'm not perfect." and we were all kinda silent and just shook our heads
and were like, "alright- yup...that sounds pretty good." So all is
well for the time being! We also met with Garrett this week and had some great
experiences with him. We challenged him to not pray and ask for things such as
should i get baptized... but to instead pray with your decision made up
and then listen to how you feel about it. That really helped him with his
indecision to be baptized and told us that 100% he knows he's being baptized on
the 21st. The only hold back is that his parents want to come and his mom is a
nurse who is on call that day. She doesn't want her phone to ruin the
experience and go off while the service is going on. Lame excuse, eh? haha So
we know all will work out for him for the 21st!
We also picked up a new investigator named Kevin. He'd been taught for 4 weeks
by elders in another area but moved here to go to school. He looks like Sid
from Toy Story. It's so cool to see people that "look" like they
wouldn't be interested truly be the ones that are prepared. He's got tattoos up
and down both arms but has a heart of gold! We hope that he feels prepared as
we continue to teach him.
General Conference. Holla! That 1st session on Saturday blew my mind! It was a
really neat experience for me personally. As soon as MoTab started singing I
could feel the spirit really strongly- that continued as Pres. Monson made his
announcements and through the whole session really. When Pres Monson started
making the announcement Sister Wester and I looked at each other and i was
like, "he's gonna change the age!!" and sure enough! haha CRAZY!
There were 6 missionaries there watching it and like 4 members and we all
freaked out. You do realize if i had left when i was 19 i could have served
like 2 missions by now...haha nice. But in all honesty I think Heavenly Father
made sure i was out before he made that announcement. I can't imagine myself
out here at age 19! Mady- I think you could def do it though! haha You could
leave in JUNE. that's insane! ah! Sister Wester and I will just be getting
ready or walking around and just say, "i can't believe they changed the
age..." It's still mind blowing.
I received 2 packages this week! Thanks Log2 YW and Gma! :) It's always fun to
receive mail! You're the best.
To answer the questions about Thanksgiving- ya...basically just like USA
thanksgiving. They're celebrating the harvest though- which makes sense.
However, we got the shaft- no invites from anyone. haha But neither did
most the elders so after sunday's last session we had our tgiving dinner at the
church! it was a lot of fun.,, So we did A LOT of walking yesterday but
met some neat people and had one very neat experience: We were just about to go
home to grab dinner before some appts last night and there was this chinese
girl at the bus stop wearing bright pink pants and i was like- those are
cool pants! So i walked up to her and started talking to her but her english wasn't
very good. We asked her about God and she said some classmates has mentioned
him but she didn't know much about religion. So we told her that as
missionaries we're teachers but she was confused thinking we were teachers at
the univ. So we gave her our card and told her to scan it and it would take her
mormon.org. THEN last night
we recieved this text, "Jister? am i right to type your name? I am the
chinese girl who is in the bus station. I don't have any religion, but i'm
thinking about it. Before I make a decision, I will read Bible. If u can help,
plz tell me. My english is not good. Please text me." We were driving home
and sis. wester read it out loud and we both flipped out! It was pretty much
the coolest thing ever. We work very closely with the mandarin speaking elders
so we called them up and we're going to meet her on Friday! We were so excited.
It's really cool how the Lord puts people in your path- all you have to do is
talk to them.
sisters messer and wester |
How do i like the Toronto temple? Well, it's great! The celestial room is tiny
but very pretty of course. It has the capacity to be a busy temple- a cafeteria
and all but they don't have it open because since surrounding temples have been
built it's not busy. but some day it will be busier! Once Subhash gets his
recommend! haha
a cool car in the parking lot! |
sister messer with the Caldwells at the toronto temple |
celebrating canadian thanksgiving with the elders in their district |
Well have fun with homecoming! Sounds like arnie is tearing it up in vball.
MVP.MVP.MVP. She's gonna be an olympic star by the time i get home...and mom, thanks for rubbing in the 11th mark month
today :) haha I hadn't even thought about it! You do really lose track of the
time. Love and miss ya'll!