Hey everybody!
Alison's baptism! |
Well good news! Alison was baptized yesterday!!! Can you
believe it? Just a month ago I decided to approach the girl in the hot pink
pants even though i knew we wouldn't be able to teach her cuz she's chinese but
i did it anyways and now she's a member! She was sooo excited. She sat by us in
Relief Society and right before her baptism i was like, "alison! are you
excited?!" and she did a happy dance! hahah then last night we had dinner
with her and Kate (a recent convert) She made us real chinese food. I even ate
with chopsticks. But who knew- if you stick both your chopsticks in the food so
they're sticking up it signifies death. I found that out the hard way. hahah I
just stuck them in the rice and elder mangum was like "don't do
that!" hahaha we all got a good laugh out of my dumbness.
Arthur had his baptismal interview yesterday and he's all
ready to go! He's quite nervous but soooo ready. We're so excited for him! He's
basically the coolest guy ever. I asked him if he'd told his family in Brazil
about it and he said he talked to his mom about it and she was pretty shocked
but supports him. He said he grew up only 2 blocks away from the temple in
Brazil and had always wondered what it was. Only a few days ago did he put the
two and two together! cool, eh?
Halloween was pretty uneventful on our end. We did dress
up...as sikh people! is that a disgrace? hmm. Hurrican Sandy was also pretty
uneventful. We got caught out in the worst of it- just some rain...we were
soaked though!
from L to R. Elder Sorenson, mangum, lynnm, ellsworth, lai,
bean, sis. wester, me, sis carroll, sis varley
Well, our district had been changed up! We have some new
sisters! They're covering the Spanish branch. Sister Varley I came out with!
It'll be fun to have some other sisters around. I attached a pic of our new
district. We're going out to Elora today. It's a big gorge somewhere nearby.
There were snow flurries on our way to the library- hopefully it doesn't start
snowing! yuck. But we're leaving pretty soon so i'm in a rush today! Have a
great week! Pray for Arthur's baptism this Sunday :)
Love Sister Messer
p.s. ya, ya, ya...i can't believe it'll be a year this week!
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