Hello everyone! Transfers came and went. Sister Wirthlin and I are both staying in Oakville! Which is fine with me. On Saturday night we went out on what we like to call and "obedience walk" where it's like 8pm and we still have an hour to proselyte so we picked up our area book and started looking for former investigators and went and contacted them. It went really well! We found a family that could be interested and a lady named laura who we have an appt with this week! Even though neither of us were transferred, some big changes happened! We had the multi-stake conference this past Sunday. It was fun to see some missionaries I came out with! I saw Elder Bybee who was put into Farci speaking and he was telling me there are only 4 farci speaking missionaries in the WORLD and they're all in Toronto! how cool is that? We have 10 languages in our mission right now! There'a a missionary from the Czech Republic and they found some people who needed to be taught in that language so President made a couple of Czech speaking missionaries this transfer just to see if goes well. haha but 10 languages! Toronto is so diverse! Anyways, the meeting held some big changes. They dissolved the Mississauga stake (which Oakville was in) and made the Barry stake (which is by Brampton) So the wards all got shuffled around. AND, since I was in the Mississauga zone and the Mississauga district...we got kicked out of that and put into the Hamilton zone (since Oakville is in the hamilton stake now) confused yet? ya...well it should be pretty neat. We have to travel to Hamilton now for district meetings and what not. Hamilton is a pretty good hour drive or so away. But i will miss our mighty mississauga district! That also means we probably won't be teaching ESL anymore either, because the miss chapel is not in our zone. sad day, huh?! But our district got together yesterday for lunch at this Vietnamese restaurant (that's what you get for letting the mandarin speaking elders choose) as a last hurrah. Things got shuffled quite a bit but i'm excited to be in the Hamilton zone now.
So i probably shouldn't be as excited about this as I am right now but Amanda J sent me a letter this week and in it was about how David Archuletta is going on a mission! I almost died! How awesome is that, eh? We had a funny street contacting experience this week. Sheridan College is in Oakville and we heard it was a great place to street contact in Oakville so we planned to go there. We were walking down the street and our zone leader and one of the ap's were there too! They were on exchanges and decided to contact in that exact place. It was crazy because they're usually in Weston which is a good 40 min drive from there. So it was a huge blessing because we saw how they street contacted and it really taught me how to be better at it! I've really lost a lot of fear i've had. I usually don't have a problem walking up to people and talking to them now...crazy huh? haha But "usually" is the key word. :)
We got to teach Vivian twice this week and we taught her about keeping the Sabbath day holy and her new baptismal date is March 4. Pray that she keeps it! She's so ready and she's excited. We have an appt with her tomorrow night.
We were hanging up ESL posters and we ran into a possum! It was scary-i'd never seen one before! But they're ugly little things and i thought it just may bite my leg off.
So another transfer in Oakville should be great! I'm no longer being trained. yay! We're getting better at planning and really getting to know everyone. We are getting more and more people interested in what we have to share and hopefully they'll want to hear more :)
Thanks for the letter and packages and prayers!
Love, Sister Messer
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