So I got this email from 17 magazine...(yes, i read it. Don't make fun of me!) and it said "21 things to do before you turn 21" I've got 5 months, so i took a look at it. My thoughts? Read on...
1. Take a road trip.
It's been done, but it definitely needs to be done again. Vegas (by vegas i mean...home!) over the next 3-day weekend? Takers?
2. Learn to play a musical instrument.
You know I own the flute!
3. Go skinny-dipping!
Ok. Never done it...never will? haha Is it really that liberating?
It's been done, but it definitely needs to be done again. Vegas (by vegas i mean...home!) over the next 3-day weekend? Takers?
2. Learn to play a musical instrument.
You know I own the flute!
3. Go skinny-dipping!
Ok. Never done it...never will? haha Is it really that liberating?
4. Save $1,000.
Let's hope everyone has had a job before they're 21. I saved more than that over the summer. It's called college tuition. But, in the case i was handed 1000 to do something i wanted to do, i would totally go on a trip. NYC anyone?
5. Know your grandparents.
Done! Sunday nights are epic at their house.
6. Buy a lottery ticket.
Hmmm i'll have to think about that one. I was at maverik the other day and a guy in front of me was spending like $60 on the lotto. But once might be cool?
7. Win an award.
I've never won a cool award. What should I try to win an award for?! Oh man...the possibilities are endless. Now I must find a contest.
8. Say "I love you."
Besides to the familia? never happened.
9. Learn to drive a stick shift.
hmmm. i've learned. but i can't shake the fear of driving one on an actual road. I'd be the one that makes it shut down, blocking traffic. awesome.
10. Milk a cow.
I'd be fine with trying. Just never been asked, "Hey, wanna milk this cow?"
11. Forgive someone.
Been there, done that.
12. Have your fortune told.
Remember Mrs. Leming? Middle school P.E. teacher? She read my palm once. (was she legit about it?) hahaha I wish Rexburg had a fortune teller! *hitting one up on the vegas roadtrip!*
13. Go to a drive-in.
I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS. Any cute boys out there reading this---ask me! i'll love you forever! (And then I can pass off #8 too...)
14. Do your own laundry.
Seriously? Are they trying to make me admit that I only do my laundry every other week? woops.
15. Ride a horse.
Funny story. When I was like 12 years old, i wanted a horse. BAD. And I quote my father, "You can either get a horse, or get a car when you're 16." Well, I didn't get a horse. And I got a car when I was almost 20. Hmm. But for the record, I actually rode a horse when I was like 16 and I was not a fan.
16. Donate your formal dresses.
I did, to my younger sista. Hi Mady! (Good luck getting your own for revue in March! haha)
17. See the ocean.
Done. Love it. Crave it. Wanna be there now!
18. Waitress at least once.
Does family birthday parties count? I do need a Summer job...
19. See one thing that is "the world's largest."
Have I ever? I can't remember! I wanna see the world's largest ball of yarn.
20. Leave the country.
Canada count? Nahhh I wanna go somewhere legit.
21. Learn how to love your body.
Take some, leave some...i'm just grateful i'm out of that teenager awkward stage. hallelujah!
Let's hope everyone has had a job before they're 21. I saved more than that over the summer. It's called college tuition. But, in the case i was handed 1000 to do something i wanted to do, i would totally go on a trip. NYC anyone?
5. Know your grandparents.
Done! Sunday nights are epic at their house.
6. Buy a lottery ticket.
Hmmm i'll have to think about that one. I was at maverik the other day and a guy in front of me was spending like $60 on the lotto. But once might be cool?
7. Win an award.
I've never won a cool award. What should I try to win an award for?! Oh man...the possibilities are endless. Now I must find a contest.
8. Say "I love you."
Besides to the familia? never happened.
9. Learn to drive a stick shift.
hmmm. i've learned. but i can't shake the fear of driving one on an actual road. I'd be the one that makes it shut down, blocking traffic. awesome.
10. Milk a cow.
I'd be fine with trying. Just never been asked, "Hey, wanna milk this cow?"
11. Forgive someone.
Been there, done that.
12. Have your fortune told.
Remember Mrs. Leming? Middle school P.E. teacher? She read my palm once. (was she legit about it?) hahaha I wish Rexburg had a fortune teller! *hitting one up on the vegas roadtrip!*
13. Go to a drive-in.
I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS. Any cute boys out there reading this---ask me! i'll love you forever! (And then I can pass off #8 too...)
14. Do your own laundry.
Seriously? Are they trying to make me admit that I only do my laundry every other week? woops.
15. Ride a horse.
Funny story. When I was like 12 years old, i wanted a horse. BAD. And I quote my father, "You can either get a horse, or get a car when you're 16." Well, I didn't get a horse. And I got a car when I was almost 20. Hmm. But for the record, I actually rode a horse when I was like 16 and I was not a fan.
16. Donate your formal dresses.
I did, to my younger sista. Hi Mady! (Good luck getting your own for revue in March! haha)
17. See the ocean.
Done. Love it. Crave it. Wanna be there now!
18. Waitress at least once.
Does family birthday parties count? I do need a Summer job...
19. See one thing that is "the world's largest."
Have I ever? I can't remember! I wanna see the world's largest ball of yarn.
20. Leave the country.
Canada count? Nahhh I wanna go somewhere legit.
21. Learn how to love your body.
Take some, leave some...i'm just grateful i'm out of that teenager awkward stage. hallelujah!
What else should I add to the list? Have you done all of those?
I'm thinking this one for sure must be done when it warms up a bit:

{that's what i'm talkin' about!}
Love this! Love your commentary on life, austrie!
this was an awesome post! and even more awesome to discover you still read 17 magazine! HA!
okay really now, i need to get you and corinne driving a manual...there's nothing to it! and driving is much more fun when it's manual.
ROAD TRIP!!!!! HOLLA!!!!!!
My beloved, beautiful, father's quick witted, passionate, intelligent, hilarious, first born....; saying, "You too" after a very heartfelt, "love you, sis" from the male parental, does NOT cover #8. "Besides to the familia?" Really, Aus?
I love it when I see that a comment has been rejected by a blog author, it makes me laugh.
I think "donating a formal dress" should only count if the person you donated it to appreciated it...
but thanks for the luck for this year! FINGERS CROSSED hah
Lexie! i know, right? Except it wasn't anything exciting. my cookies had to be disabled to log in and so i logged in by commenting and deleted my comment. haha
MADY- you didn't appreciate it? Oh, i'm sorry...maybe this year's yours can look like your friend who borrowed hers from a 90's prom.
1. it's time to change your subscription from 17 to Real Simple.
2. ty and i want to start a drive-in in the valley some day. so fun.
3. it really IS liberating. and if you want to know why, you'll have to ask me in person : )
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