I have graciously decided to share with all of you my motivation. The reason I get passed all my awkward moments and failed exams...It's This:

It works in all situations. Let me share...
"oh shoot, I just failed my calculations quiz!" (then I think to my self: I guess i'll just keep calm and fake a British accent. All of a sudden I don't care anymore)
"There's ants in the bathroom (again!) I swear my roommate is eating in here!" (just keep calm and when you approach her about it, talk in a British accent, it will go much smoother)
One more...
"Gah, my milk is expired because I only eat it with cereal, and when I say 'eat it', i mean drain it from my spoon, dang!" (But what you don't know, is that I said all of that with a British accent so i'm not mad at all anymore!)
Now a fail example:
"oh geez. That really cute, ginger, executive secretary boy is walking my way! If he talks to me i'll just keep calm and fake a British accent." This, my friends, is what i would like to do. Maybe it would score me some cool points. Because in all honesty, who turns their nose up to a British accent?
Alright. Honestly, I just want that framed, hanging in my room. I love funny stuff.
But if you were wondering...
I really do hate calculations.
There really are ants in my bathroom, i sprayed febreeze on them-Dead!
My milk really does expire too fast
I'd rather not talk about the ginger
How do you come up with stuff to write like every other day??? Holy cow, Jesse.
Try buying the half gallon size milks, or even smaller, and always check the date. Sometimes there is two different dates on them at the store.
I hate calculations too. But you know what I say..."I'm country STRONG!!!" ;)
MKay, I just love this blog. Every post.
okay, so the whole time i was reading this, besides laughing, i was thinking about this last week's episode of the office...did you see it? at the beginning with the guy with the british accent??? oh please tell me you did...
'comedy, it's where the mind goes to tickle itself'
(that's what she said!)
i wish i had a British accent ;]
Haha seriously...I love your blog! Every post makes me laugh! haha
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