Interesting Friday nights seem to happen when it's early and you're bored. Actually, that isn't usually the case for me...but it was tonight. Us roommates were just hangin out watching Wedding Date when our friend Jim showed up. "We should go somewhere"..."i'm bored..." so when "let's go to the caves" came up, we were all game. Disappointed only a few minutes later when we ran into a closed road and newly re-made bridge sign which led us on a different course. We were now off to Warm Slough. Half hour later we were stuck in snow...with 4wheel drive not kicking in. Let me tell you, we are one buff group of gals (and boy). We went forward...we reversed...we were stuck quite nicely. After about 50 'that's what she said' jokes and an hour later we had finally made it. In celebration, we let of a few fireworks.

ha ha that's what she said! ha ha I love those.
What an exciting night.... Let's do it again!
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