Whenever i'm sick of homework and deadlines and running out of toilet paper, i like to turn into Helen. Helen is my alter ego. Helen enjoys life you see, she has fun with her roommates, plays too much mario-kart and throws her cares out the window.
Helen enjoys pretzels in peanut butter, sloths and dancing to Michael Jackson in the living room.
However, she has her fair share of irresponsibility problems. She likes to forget about everything that is going on that keeps her busy and non-sociable. On Saturday she slept in too long, watched Burlesque with her buddies, got in a mild snow fight and went to a glow-in-the-dark dance. Helen enjoys the college lifestyle. I'm totes jeal. Oh Helen, whatever shall i do about you?
Ok, so maybe i made all of that up...about becoming Helen. Because truth is I just like to have a little free time on my weekends and not feel guilty about it. Is that such a crime? I think not. I buckled down and got quite a lot accomplished this weekend too...just for the record.
I'm just ready to kick this week in the bum. I can't believe this semester is about to wind up! One month. holy moly.

Right after this, Helen tried to drink out of a cup with glasses on. No one told me people with glasses bonk the cup while gulpin' down some aqua! Props go out to people who wear glasses...i just like to pretend sometimes.
so THAT'S where you were on saturday, becoming helen!
no worries...my alter ego is in the form of glasses and braces; everynight!
I like this Helen. Helen is the one who hangs out with me!! You should be Helen more often ;)
Unfortunately, Helen comes to live at my house during the summer...
Did Helen or Aus write this???
LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!
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