WITH LIFE! Yesterday a bunch of the Interior Designers from the program attended the ASID Intermountain Chapter Annual Meeting in
Sun Valley, ID. (what a cool little town!) We left at 5:15am and got back at 1:00am. LONG day. But soooo worth it. I haven't laughed that much with friends in a long time. I guess it re-assured me that i'm doing the right thing & it's where i'm supposed to be. Anyway, back to the fun stuff...This place was fancy shmancy. I tried truffles! you know...like the ones pigs find in the forest? haha except i just googled 'truffles' and they didn't look like that...i'm thinking someone lied to me & they were really just mushrooms...
What I did all day:
Listened to a few designers speak
Took pictures with friends
Ate amazing food
Used really cool bathrooms...they were just really cool.
Drank delicious hot chocolate at the Chocolate Foundry
Walked through downtown shops
Watched BYU idaho students win 1st place. holla.

{lizzie, corinne, kirsten, me & liz}

{shopping downtown}
1 comment:
I LOVE YOU! And by the way, you ARE where you are supposed to be...SO WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE!!!????
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