This time around i'm designing for a woman in NYC by the name of Samantha Ray. Though i may not be a fan of her French Rococo and Early Neoclassic design taste, she is a fashion designer and that i love. What does a fashion designer need in her NYC apartment? A magnificent closet, of course! So upon stumbling upon THESE closets... i have come to the conclusion that i've been gypped! My 3 feet of rod space and 3 1x1 shelve space in my apartment just isn't cutting it. I need a little something like this:

P.S. am i the only one who loved Jessica Alba's hat collection from the link above?
I didn't really look AT the hats but a place for hats is a must. I want one of those old fashioned hat hangers at the front door...only I would want mine in my closet.
There's nothing worse than not enough closet space, a very common tale.
Keep dreamin' sweetheart! We could make your whole room your closet and you could sleep in the hall..... Dad
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