Guess what happened today? Snowed. The beginning of the end. Luckily it didn't you can see in this wonderful picture I took while walking to class. Little white balls just sat on the sidewalk. It was rather cold.

In better news, Taylor Swift's new album came out! I love all the songs. If I had the chance to meet a celeb, I would probably choose Swifty. (and you know all about the other ones i love) So that's saying a lot ;)...Actually i take that back. If Taryn was with me, I would choose the boys. :)
It's one of those nights i should be working on my project. Come to think of it, when am i not working on a project? never. So i'm "taking a break". This project is for an apartment on the top floor of a high rise building in San Francisco. The older couple use it as a 'party apartment' for small groups of people before they go to a show or event. It also showcases art & sculptures. In other words, a lifestyle totally different from anyone I know. That is until i'm designing for high class clients like these people...One can dream.
Trying to think about something more exciting to tell you all about. In my family history class we have to do a final project---blogs count. score. (this is partially the reason you've all seen more 'olden day' pictures lately & because I think they're fun) So enjoy another old picture, in the spirit of Halloween:

{Halloween 1993. Taylor, Trent, Taryn, Me}
poofy bangs=total win.
loving the old pictures my friend.
Aus you look so happy in that last one :)
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