Friday, March 12, 2010

my not-so-successful day

It's 12:39am. Happy Friday. I must agree with Annie, i think everyone is sick. i'm stuffed up...if you're stuffed up, you should try sniffing vinegar-i could taste afterwards. twas a thursday night miracle.
I cannot sleep, maybe it's the 4 hour nap i took this afternoon...while i was supposed to be working on projects that are due at the end of the semester. (less than a month!) But i just felt run down...i sure don't feel that way right now! Ha
Check out this sweet video, i swear you'll think it's stupid but you won't be able to stop singing it in 5 minutes! ... just ask my dad.
that makes me laugh so hard. goodnight.....uh. goodmorning?


Lexie & Sharrid said...

That video is pretty special.

Annie Leavitt said...

how did i miss this post? um, does that guy ever take a breath???

kind of creepy.