Sunday, September 1, 2013


I've opened the dreaded email. The one I found the week I returned home from my mission. It had been sitting there, in my inbox with all of the details of our fall semester project. The one I heard about from the moment I joined the Interior Design program at BYUI. The Junior year project that takes hundreds of hours leaving you without a social life, sleep and sanity. As i've begun researching solar, sustainability & barrier free design, I have to admit it's a bit exciting and a million percent overwhelming. I'm pretty sure the last time I felt this inadequate was when I got into the mission field! Or when I had to train a new missionary for the first time. So I resume my interest in design and architecture and i'm ready to tear this project to pieces. That is until I have to actually use CAD or design a floor plan. I swear i've forgotten everything. So I reunite myself with school, with homework, with design concepts and ideas running through my mind. 


[ree-yoo-nahyt]  Show IPA
verb (used with object), verb (used without object),re·u·nit·ed, re·u·nit·ing.
to unite again, as after separation.

You'll also be happy to hear that I was reunited with more than just that.
About a week after I got home from my mission, I was sitting on the sofa when Mady and Taryn approached me with a secretive sort of smile on their face. They said, "we have a surprise for you!" Mady whipped out 4 tickets to the Jonas Brothers concert that they had bought months prior. It just happened to fall on Taryn's birthday! It was a day of reunitement and celebration. 

It's also been fun to be reunited with the EFY program as i've worked as a counselor this summer. The three weeks I worked for them was a great transition help for a returned missionary. The things I got to do (devotionals, talking to people, gospel stuff) was a way for me to remember the important things I learned in the field and to also get used the facts that I have to talk to boys now, and do laundry any day of the week, not just Pdays. 

But this summer i've also gotten to be with my family a lot, which has been a lot of fun. Mady is getting ready to go to Japan as a missionary. Our extended family was able to support her by going to the temple a couple of weeks ago. This week we'll all support her going to Disneyland! Once last hip hurrah before we're separated just for a little awhile. 

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