It's been a full week since i've blogged.
and by "full" I don't mean full as in busy...I mean full as in an entire week.
In fact, nothing really leading-edge happened.
So this is what i've been thinkin...
Brown envelopes are the shiz. But seriously, stick with me on this one. How cool do you feel when you get a letter in the mail? How much cooler do you feel when you get a letter with a BROWN envelope? Maybe it's something to do with The Sound of Music "brown paper packages tied up with strings" or maybe because they're usually recycled paper so it makes you feel green, maybe i'm just weird. But i'm pretty sure it's a billion times better in a brown envelope. And while on the subject of the color brown, I *dyed my hair brown. And I always took my lunches to school in a brown paper bag, I never had a legit lunch box, did you?
*i lied. no dying occurred.
Let's talk about my future plans. It involves the old Gubler house on Gubler Street.
Taryn & I will some day own a floral shoppe. Our floral shoppe will be in this old house. The top floor will be our wedding planning business and TLC will host a show all about it. (think DC Cupcakes except cooler people) Our show will be a hit! Why aren't there any shows about floral or wedding shoppes? Cuz they're saving it for us!
This house doesn't tilt. There was a man in the ditch in front of it so I felt really dumb slowing down to take the picture. So I did not, resulting in a tilt. |
It just needs some sprucin' up. This house has gotta stay in the fam! (My Grandma's maiden name was Gubler)
Let's hope September starts to bring less blistering temperature steering wheels, less sticky bangs on the forehead (although honestly I haven't much of that issue, phew!) and maybe allow us to start wearing cute cardigans without sweating? We'll see.