Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Halloween

H-A-Double L-O-W-Double E-N Spells Halloween. 
Please do tell me you sang the tune of that song while you read that. That's simply what I was aiming for. 

Halloween this year was simple. We carved pumpkins, did the usual "wait until last minute" costume ritual. It involves heading to the storage room & looking through our 2 huge plastic storage bins piled with old clogging & creative dance costumes. Pick a unitard.....any unitard. I was trying to get Ari to go with the Olympic gymnast idea which then turned into a Pirate...which turned into Katniss Everdeen. (am I the only one who kind of prefers Gale over Peeta?)


After wandering around a trunk or treat event & seeing the cousins all dressed up, we came home and watched Brigham City. I deem it an appropriate Halloween movie, it's pretty crazy! But let me share a story with you. I took an arts & humanities class my second semester at BYUI, taught by a Brother Clifford. He was a theater professor & we got on the topic one class about his acting career. He told us he was actually in the movie Brigham City. I really enjoyed him as a teacher, he was a cool/theater/corduroy blazer type of guy. Every class he would verbally take the role. Every time he would say my name he would look up at me in the back corner and smile. I swear to you he would not do this any time, to any other person! I talked my roommate, Jesika, into taking this class with me so she sat right next to me. We would always laugh because it happened every. single. time. Without fail! She can attest to it. 
Fast forward almost 3 years later. 
(I really hope you've seen this movie)
I'm keeping my eyes peeled to find Bro. C when I realize half way through the movie that he's Steve. Let me give ya a refresher: he's the creeper. 
I also love the twist in the movie...ya know, how the murderer only kills red haired girls. Awesomeeeee.
So it's nice to finally know that every time he took role, he was only admiring how well I could have fit the part for the next murder mystery. 

(ghost sounds!)


What were you for Halloween?


Corinne Chidester said...

bahahaha! How funny! and, disturbing...

Lexie & Sharrid said...

You are not the only one about gale...but should be. Have you read the books??? If you have and you still pick gale, I disagree hugely but am okay with your dud of a choice. If you have not read the books you have no right to choose...because it would be off of looks alone of the actors no doubt.........please tell me you have read the books.........please. Ha

Austrie said...

Good news lexie, i HAVE read the books! haha but after seeing the actors for the movie, it may have swayed my choice to Gale. I can't really remember when I started to like Gale better...i think it may be because they were just young chaps when they fell in love! haha But I do love peeta (don't get me wrong!) Everyone has told me they hate the ending of the 3 book but i Like it! i think it's a rather good ending to be exact.

Michaela said...

Hhehehe. Creepy. That's funny about your professor! And I love the unitard costume ritual!

Lexie & Sharrid said...

I love the ending too, she specifically tells why she chose Peeta and it makes sense to me perfectly.