Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fruit Trees & Pizza

I'm borrowing an idea from Busy Bee Lauren. She often shows her weekend in pictures or portrays certain events with pictures. Her pictures are always really cool and fun to look at. I on the other hand am slowly starting to get the hang of things :)

Wednesday consisted of a family day trip to St. George, UT...


1- Ari peaking over the fence, trying to imitate Wilson from Home Improvement
2- Lunch at Pizza Factory (yum!)
3- Sharing my wonderful purchases! Shoes from Ross, Hat from Maurices
4- Hitting up Costco (what's your fav costco muffin?) I love blueberry & poppyseed
5- Fruit tree shopping at Lowe's
6- Wallpaper shopping
7- Nielsen's custard (you havvvve to go and you have to get chocolate)
8- Late night viewing of Nacho Libre, "My favorite animals are poopies" -what's your fav quote?
9- Irrigating view out my bedroom window haha

Well ladies & gents, that's what my Wednesday consisted of...but really, confess your fav Nacho quotes.
"Do you not realize i've had diarrheas since Easters?!"


Corinne Chidester said...

HOW DO I CHOOSE!?!?!?! I love that whole flipping movie!!!! Perhaps, "Hey, let go of my blouse!!!" OR "Don't you wanna little taste of the glory?!" OR "Here lies a good man. He led a good life. He had a good woman, a lush garden, and a collection of Russian nesting dolls..." GAH!

Tibi said...

"And I used my stregth to rip my blouse..." "And I saw them knock you unconscious alright"

"I'm a little concerned right now. About your salvation and stuff."

I like almost all of the muffins :)

Unknown said...

funny you should ask about nacho, because for about the last week, whenever i've thought about what to do for the kids for easter, i always think 'what should we do for easters?'

also...when the kids are just driving me loony, i'll shout out "go! go away!" and that little bit of nacho humor keeps me going!

Becca :) said...

When the fantasy has ended
And all the children gone
Something good inside me,
Helps me carry on!

I ate some bugs,
I ate some grass,
I used my hand,
To wipe my tears

To kiss your mouth
I break my vow
No no no, no no, no WAY JOSE
Unless you want to
Then we break our vows together

Encarnacio-ho hoho ho hohooo
Encarnacioooooho hohohoho

P.S. I had to look that song up.. Didn't really have it memorized. Love it though..

Jenn said...

Aus how did u do the grid of pix? Love it!!!

Austrie said...

chancho can i borrow some swweaats?

Michaela said...